It is a valuable reward for a company when all the hard work over the years gets recognition as the prestigious “Entrepreneur of the Year 2018” award for the country’s most successful micro and small business entrepreneurs.
For us, as “Piksel,” it is an honor that we won the second award at such a prestigious event in the category of small enterprises.

The awards were presented by the Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, the president of the Union of Chambers of Commerce of Macedonia, Danela Arsovska, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of North-West Macedonia, Nebi Hoxha, and Lazar Nedanoski, head of the Macedonian Development Foundation for Enterprises.
How we got here?
The pre-selection for “Entrepreneur of the Year 2018” was made based on the data from the Central Registry of the Republic of Macedonia. From 2015 to 2017, 112 micro and small enterprises met the selection criteria through growth in the number of employees, total revenues, profits, and investments. The best entrepreneurs entered the selection process by filling in a questionnaire, field visit, analysis, and evaluation according to predetermined criteria (commitment to training, marketing and growth strategy, investment in equipment and research, development and innovation, etc.).

The main organizers of Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 are the Macedonian Development Foundation for Enterprises (MRFP), the Union of Chambers of Commerce of Macedonia (SSK), and the Chamber of Commerce of North-West Macedonia (SKSZM). The co-organizer is the National Center for Innovation Development and Entrepreneurial Learning. The institutional sponsor is the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia.
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