Empowering the Digital Frontier: PIKSEL X MASIT

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, partnerships that stand the test of time are rare gems. Filip Ristevski, the visionary founder of Piksel Digital Marketing Agency, has managed to cultivate such a partnership with MASIT, the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce for Information Technology. This is how the PIKSEL x MASIT story began. 

Exclusively for this interview, Filip shares insights into the agency’s journey, the collaboration with MASIT, and his role in shaping the organization’s digital future.  

Q: Filip, can you tell us more about Piksel x MASIT journey and how this partnership evolved?  

Absolutely. Our official collaboration journey with MASIT commenced in 2019. Recognizing the shared dedication to technological advancements and innovation, we have decided to align our joint paths.  

We became proud members of MASIT and were entrusted with the significant responsibility of crafting a new digital identity for the chamber through the creation of their website. Over time, our expertise and dedication deepened this partnership, leading to joint ventures that significantly contributed to the digital landscape.  

Q: Tell us more about the projects that have strengthened this partnership over the years.  

Our collaboration with MASIT has been multifaceted. One of our key projects involves the development of a dynamic website tailored for MASIT’s current and future conferences.  

We are not just building a website. We are crafting an immersive digital experience reflecting the essence of MASIT’s events. Additionally, our team provides comprehensive digital assistance for conference presentations, ensuring that MASIT’s digital footprint resonates powerfully.  

Piksel x MASIT

Q: It’s intriguing to hear about your role in MASIT’s Board. How did that come about, and what does it mean for both Piksel and MASIT?  

Yes, since the end of 2022, I have had the honor of becoming a member of the MASIT Board. This invitation reflects their recognition of Piksel’s expertise in digital solutions. My role encompasses providing strategic insights in marketing and web development.  

Together, we have devised a long-term marketing strategy for MASIT, set to transform the organization’s public image during this board’s tenure. This involvement simultaneously enhances MASIT’s visibility and solidifies Piksel’s position in the market.  

Q: What does this partnership signify for Piksel and MASIT in the broader digital marketing and technology landscape?  

This partnership is transformative for Piksel. It solidifies our position as a pioneering company that seamlessly integrates three vital spheres: marketing, design, and development. By offering this holistic approach, we’re providing unparalleled value to our clients and partners.  

Through our collaboration with MASIT, we’re not just providing services; we’re shaping the digital landscape and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of technology and marketing. Together, we are setting new standards for excellence in Macedonia and on the global stage.  

In the digital marketing and technology field, partnerships like ours exemplify the power of collaboration. By combining our strengths, expertise, and vision, we are not only shaping the future. We are defining it.  

This partnership is a testament to the endless possibilities arising when passionate minds unite with a common purpose: to revolutionize the digital landscape, one innovative step at a time. 

The Macedonian Piksel Agency With Award for Best “Storytelling” at the SoMo Borac Regional Awards  

The tenth jubilee edition of SoMo Borac took place on Friday in Zagreb – an event that rewards the best digital works in the region. This year’s edition gathered 221 award applications in various categories. Macedonian agency Piksel attended the award ceremony and was one of the winners in the “Storytelling” category with the project created for the needs of the campaign of the three pension companies called “Plant a wish,” which was Piksel’s first entry in a regional competition.  

somo borac piksel

“This year has shown us how fast digital channels are developing, as evidenced by the record number of applications, and we do not doubt that it will continue to grow through the years.” I congratulate all the winners and all those who submitted excellent projects; until the end, it was uncertain to choose the best of the best,” said Ružica Vrdoljak Ličina, CEO of SoMo Borac. 

About the project that brought us the SoMo Borac award

The “Plant a Wish for a Better Future” campaign aims to educate and activate young people. This is the main goal of our clients Sava pension company a.d. Skopje, KB First pension company a.d. Skopje and Triglav pension company a.d. Skopje.

The pension companies have organized educational and informational campaigns about the benefits of membership in the mandatory and voluntary pension funds For 6 years now. They are all aimed to reach the entire population.

This year pension companies are taking a step further. With the campaign “Plant a desire for a better future” they are widening the educational and socially responsible activities to show the young generations by example that every action today can be an investment in the process of building a better future in the long term, but also to motivate them to become active participants in environmental care.

Filip Ristevski: Our experience with the Bitove Family Entrepreneurship program

After completing the Bitove Family Entrepreneurship program, Filip Ristevski, our CEO, shared our experience in a short interview for Macedonia2025.com.

Could you please tell us how you discovered the Bitove Family Entrepreneurship program? 

We were aware of the program offered by Macedonia2025 through online channels a few years ago. Finally, at the end of 2021, we decided to apply for it, and we didn’t regret it. 

What prompted you to apply to the program in partnership with CESO SACO, and where did you see the need to have external consultancy? 

The idea came as a result of the global changes in the past years and the need to hear objective opinions outside the company, especially on how to scale up the business and to be able to put our business on the global market. It’s always a good idea to hear external opinions on some company processes. 

How would the Bitove Family Entrepreneurship Program increase the organizational capacity and improve the overall competitiveness of the company? 

We received knowledge and insights into the overall aspects of positioning our company on the global market. We focused on our strengths and opportunities while working to decrease the weaknesses and potential threats. 

Can you please outline three main benefits from the program that apply to your everyday functioning? 

  1. We determined short-term and medium-term priorities for further development and functioning of the company. 
  2. We strengthened internal processes as a basis for presenting our business to the global market. 
  3. We created new mission, vision, and organizational values as a foundation for implementing the newly established priorities. 

Why should other Macedonian micro, small, and medium enterprises apply to the Entrepreneurship Program? 

As I mentioned above, it’s always a good idea to hear opinions from someone who has experience in your working field. Especially someone who had a chance to work on a much bigger market and to share that experience with you and give you direction for your company development. Every type of help, even the smallest one, on how to be better in what you are doing or in some segments of your operations while having a minimal cost to cover for such a consultant is something that every company should use to achieve growth. Therefore, my warm recommendation to all MSME companies is to apply to the program. 

Thank you for the interview. 

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