Piksel in 2019 

If the last Piksel Year in Review taught us anything, the last days of December are probably the worst time to write a Piksel in 2019 review.  

Not that there is nothing to write and share, on the contrary, but amid all friendship gatherings, celebrations, and preparations for what awaits us in 2020, such a review may not get the attention it deserves.  

And, as we will see in the rest of this blog (I tried to be as short as possible), it does deserve attention.  

Let’s pick up where we left off in December 2018. Remember when Piksel won the Entrepreneur of the Year award for the country’s most successful micro and small business entrepreneurs?  

piksel in 2019

Recognition that only (re)traced our path in 2019, a year in which we expanded the team, and to our great pleasure, domestic and foreign clients became part of our everyday life, in which our Piksel gatherings were not absent and which, naturally, we finished with a new round of Piksel memes.  

piksel in 2019 memes

But let’s do this in order.  

We use this opportunity to welcome all the new Piksels that became part of our story in 2019 and for which the second visual display in this blog is reserved.  

Emma, Angela, Emilija S., Emilija R., and Tea, this is for you! … (and only now I realized that in 2019 we have become a much more beautiful agency) …  

piksel in 2019 - piksels

(photos of Tea and Emilija R. coming soon)

Here’s what the girls above, as well as the rest of the Piksel team, have been working on in the year we’ve already posted, in which we’ve once again had major web projects, major digital campaigns, and been part of some of the industry’s biggest events worldwide. And finally, to finish with Digital for Entrepreneurship, we organized an event together with the EBA (European Business Association) and the City of Skopje

piksel in 2019 eba

In 2019, we enjoyed IBC 2019, THE WORLD’S MOST INFLUENTIAL MEDIA, ENTERTAINMENT & TECHNOLOGY SHOW. A gigantic multi-day event and company with the giants of the media, entertainment, and technology industry that was a unique experience to remember.  

piksel in 2019 ibc

More events

The experiences from events that only got richer continued with the participation in the first Balkan Entrepreneurship Summit and MASIT Conference – Data as an Asset, where we were sponsors, the second Macedonian e-Commerce conference: Grow with E-commerce, New Communication Trends – Influencer Marketing by MAAM, the sixth and seventh – InTech MeetUp – as media partners, and the mentoring role we had at Startup Weekend Skopje in 2019 (tnx Emma).  

And something that we are especially happy about – visiting several major events in the USA this past fall, where Dimitar had the honor of being a speaker at DevFest in Orlando and the Digital Marketing Academy, which Dimitar led in tandem with Vladimir. This tandem also held a training in Digital Marketing for small businesses in SOS Children’s Village supported by the project of Social Inclusion and Economic Empowerment of Youth.  

piksel in 2019 dimitar

Crossover wins in 2019

Our development team, together with the design and account team, developed several web projects “from scratch” in 2019, with a complete design from the UI/UX and marketing aspect and, of course, unique design and functionalities.   

Such is the brand new website of the best fitness center in town, Synergy Fitness & Spa, where the focus has been placed on facilitating the online payment process for all current and future members. Functionality which in the first few months proved to be a complete hit. For more info, read our case study on Synergy Fitness & Spa.  

piksel in 2019 synergy web

Speaking of case studies of successful Piksel projects in 2019, here is the new website for Pandev DOO, a client for whom we implemented a complete rebranding solution that ultimately culminated in a new website and a strategy for representing the company on social networks with a completely new slogan and communication.  

piksel in 2019 pandev web

More wins

Another crossover between our three sectors in 2018 was the development of the website for SOS Children’s Village, a collaboration that last year was expanded by the conception and implementation of the campaign The World of SOS Superheroes in which each of you can become what the children from SOS Children’s Village need the most, and that is a superhero who will help them achieve their daily wishes.  

The campaign focused on online donations and at the moment of writing this blog, managed to collect 139,510 denars only through the specially developed online donation system.  

piksel in 2019 sos web

In the web development department, we ended the year with a completely new website for one of the oldest travel agencies in the country, Papillon. We gave them a completely new and refreshed online presence, with a series of new functionalities to facilitate the end goal of the user, choosing the best option for summer or winter break, or simply, a weekend escape from the city.  

piksel in 2019 papillon

New clients and friends

Some new clients have become part of our Piksel family, such as Roche Macedonia, InterWorks, Jet Minds, Office Plus, Carpe Diem, Top Gun Lounge Bar, Kreddy, House of Samsonite Macedonia, Albi bookstores, City Fashion.  

And for the current campaigns for our clients, who in the past year have enriched their portfolios with new products, I would single out Bimilk, who have completely refreshed the packaging of their milk. This activity was followed up with the design and development of a new landing page and a social media campaign.  

piksel in 2019 bimilk

In the summer of 2019, We were able to do everything with Ohridska Banka Societe Generale, through the campaign with which we promoted payment credit cards and all the opportunities they offer, especially in the summer period. The record number of credit card applications also speaks for the success of the Ova leto mozesh se campaign, which covered all digital channels.  

piksel in 2019 ob

For the same client, the transition from Ohridska Banka Societe Generale to Ohridska Banka was a big challenge. A transition that, in detailed coordination with the OB marketing team, went well, with a new and refreshed visual communication. 

piksel in 2019 sparkasse group

New Piksel projects

Of course, to make sure that we did something for ourselves in 2019, here are Momenti.mk and Where to Go on the Weekend.  

From our campaigns in 2019, we can’t help but single out I am a Woman. With this campaign, we congratulated all our dear ones on March 8th through selfie videos recorded by our clients for Women’s Month…  

In 2019, we went deep with the campaign with the ideal love duo Debeliot Kraj for the love seats in Cineplexx.  

Piksel fun activities

We joked about the last season of Game of Thrones, with montages that turned out to be even better than that last season. Same as the post with “milk lover” Tormund.  

And yes, in 2019 we celebrated Piksel’s sixth birthday, we ran really slow in the Skopje Marathon, passed 3,000 fans on our Facebook page, and followed trends like #FaceApp and #10YearChallenge with Bitolsko, Balans+, and Bifruit packs.  

But that’s not all.  

We conclude this review of the 2019 Piksel with two videos, different from each other but with the same message in the background, which is the creativity of our team to do the best for our customers… and to have fun doing it. 


With “Digital for Entrepreneurship” Macedonia joined the European SME Week

This Wednesday (November 20, 2019), organized by the European Business Association, City of Skopje, and Piksel, and supported by EOS Matrix and Tikvesh, the conference European Day of the Entrepreneur – “Digital for Entrepreneurship” was held. An event that was part of the European SME Week, an initiative organized in Macedonia for the 11th year.  

The conference offered the attendees several interesting topics of conversation translated into an introductory presentation and three expert panels with representatives from several activities.  

In the introductory presentation through an informative discussion, the event was opened by Katerina Boshevska, president of EBA, who spoke about the challenges of companies brought by digitization, Jovan Despotovski, director of the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development, who followed up on the support that FITR provides to entrepreneurs in this process, and Marko Todorov, head of the local economic development department of the City of Skopje, who announced the next steps that will make Skopje a smart city and bring it one step closer to modern European and world capitals.  

european sme week

The introductory presentation was followed by the three expert panels, which were opened with presentations by Vladimir Ristevski from digital agency Piksel, Sergej Zafirovski from Insider ID together with Ognen Ognenovski from Target Group, and Igor Madzov from Startup Macedonia. The presenters were also in the role of moderators of the three panels titled “How to fast growth with the help of digital marketing?”, “Electronic commerce: the future of Macedonian companies to go out into the world” and “Make your dream come true: how to finance your business, an innovative idea.”  

“There is no overnight success in digital marketing. Success is the result of previous painstaking work,” said Vladimir Ristevski, co-founder and marketing director at Piksel.  

He moderated the first panel discussion where Arijana Koskarova from Creative Hub Macedonia, Lira Jokic from IDEA Plus Communications, Vladimir Vecovski from R3 Infomedia, and Dragan Josifovski from Paket.mk talked about the possibilities offered by digital marketing and how Macedonian companies use it to reach the desired customers and results.  

european sme week 2

At the panel moderated by Sergej Zafiroski, the panelists Marina Antova from DHL Express, Chris Popovski from SIGNORI, Ognen Ognenovski from Target Group, and Viktor Stojkoski from the Macedonian E-commerce Association conveyed the message that e-commerce is the future for which we must all be prepared, and especially entrepreneurs who want to keep up with the times and be successful in the future.  

Zafirovski and Ognenovski also presented the report from their research on the current state of e-commerce in our country. The research findings in which the numbers are quite optimistic, according to which a 15% increase in the number of e-commerce companies in Macedonia is expected next year.  

“E-commerce is growing every year, and that’s why we all have to work together both on the education of end users and on increasing the offer because we believe that the future of business development is precisely in this branch.” – said Viktor Stojkoski from Association for e-commerce of Macedonia.  

european sme week 3

Igor Madzhov closed the European SME Week conference with his presentation and then the panel where he was the moderator, together with Vladimir Kechovski from Sparkasse Bank, Nenad Chubrinovski from InPlayer, as a representative of MASIT and Tanja Ilijevska from the Innovation and Technological Development Fund, talked about financing opportunities of innovative Macedonian startups.  

The panelists, in addition to the increasing number of options offered to new startups in our country, also highlighted the possibilities of financing a good idea through the large selection of international options emphasizing proactivity in this field as the key element for the success of each startup.  

The European SME Week event attracted over 200 guests from various sectors. 

What can a woman do in 24 hours?

Some more, some less, but we all have obligations in life and activities that we want to fill our day with. You can probably understand this better if you are a woman. 🙂 

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to suggest that men have super easy breezy lives. But today’s woman really has a lot on her plate.

Most may think that today women are involved in many areas and decision-making processes in their workplace. This may be true in some companies and organizations, but it’s not always the case. And it should be. Why? Because what is an indispensable thread in everything we do as women is the love we bring to every activity, hobby, and obligation…  

With the woman and her dynamic everyday life as inspiration, we created the “I am a woman” campaign, with which we wanted to show that women are real superheroes. She is successful in every aspect of her private and professional life and is more than a professional. She is also a mother, wife, sister, daughter, athlete, creative, inspirational leader, and everything you can imagine.  

Care and empathy are just one of the characteristics of strong women. According to the answers received from our dear women, we concluded:

They not only practice an active life and motivate themselves but are also real inspirations for the people around them.  

At the end of the day, a woman is always a winner in any field. So women, go ahead! 

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